Saturday 16 January 2016

Ethics In Globalization

The ethics of globalization should be based on the following reality the existence of only one atmosphere, one economy and one community. Therefore a law applied by only one institution, the UN, and only one ethics.
Universal ethics, the ethics of globalization, should be an virtues - be free, in the sense of understanding each other, be true and fair, be tolerant and sensible, necessarily an ethic of duty - a duty in itself, with family, friends and humanity, the duty to comply with commitments freely made, should be an ethic of affections - preferential treatment for relatives and friends, although the end is to extend such treatment to all humanity. It must be an ethic of universal values, freedom, equality, solidarity, justice, truth and reason. It should understand and accept the partiality of fraternal affection, familiar and friendly, common to all cultures.
Universal ethics for a globalized world ( the ethics of the global village) have to consider both the duties and the rights of the individual and defend that individualism is not only compatible but also require altruism. It should reject psychological egoism, ethical selfishness and cultural relativism.
Fair and global ethics is an ethic based on defence of humanism as a living and dynamic humanism, which recognizes the state of ignorance of human beings regarding themselves and the timeliness of the Socratic commandment. It is a humanism that does not exclude other living beings ( so the ethic of a fair globalization is not a contractual ethic), and hence, defends the ecological balance. It is a humanism that advocates constant  human improvement - the virturous character traits towards Aristotle's ideas - and the accomplishment of  one's duties with onself, with humanity, with does not exclude preferential treatment for friends ( ethics of affection). It is a humanism that is not compatible with the current state of humanity: there is much to do in terms of the two main objectives mentioned by Aristotle : be happy ( to know onself) and lead a dignified life.
World institution plays a crucial role in protecting an ethic that promotes public awareness of the existence of only one atmosphere, one earth one word where all living beings - human and nonhuman - have an interdependent existence. The need to develop weaker economic must be understood not as a threat but as an essential factor for the development of the world economy, which can only benefit all. We must be aware of the need for global legal and economic rules, equal for all.
The values of patience and tolerance, respect and kindness are linked to the courage to resist, in a peaceful way, to all kinds of injustices and power abuses. We are fee and we are also co-responsible for everything that happens in the global village. The fight against hunger, extreme poverty, disease, illiteracy, war, environment destruction, weapons of mass destruction, can only be understood as something that benefits us all, citizens of the world, as interconnected beings in an area without borders, goods related to physical survival without which not even the idea of freedom services. If there is no sense of justice and solidarity, but also between rich and poor individuals within the same country, towns and villages to yawn still wider.
The benefits of globalization can be maximized if the ethics of globalization do not become utilitarian ethics and if economics ( economic science) is not based on the poorly rational assumption that the predominant individualism in humans is selfish individualism and the need to maximize egocentrism. 

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